Friday, February 21, 2020

Reflections on The Ideological Genesis of Needs Essay

Reflections on The Ideological Genesis of Needs - Essay Example Secondly it is considered as an object with an influential brand name in which case the function is forgotten and can be replaced by any other branded object and to be used as a possession of prestige to generate the same feeling status. The further discussions are on the exchange value, the symbolic and the sign value that are derived out of non-utilitarian objectives and gives a symbolic meaning to the object least taking it for the function it is meant for. The author thus considers the four logics of the object regarding (1) its utility, (2) the market price, (3) the symbolic value as a gift and (4) of a sign value as a status. The 'object of consumption' assumes its position when it disassociates its position as a utilitarian object, a symbol or as a commodity. Its sign value makes it as the object of consumption. The utilitarian object is irreplaceable barring the objects having the same function. Here the object has a relation with its function.

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